Generic functions for talking the git smart server protocol.
Function agent_string Undocumented
Function capability_agent Undocumented
Function capability_symref Undocumented
Function extract_capability_names Undocumented
Function parse_capability Undocumented
Function symref_capabilities Undocumented
Class ProtocolFile A dummy file for network ops that expect file-like objects.
Function pkt_line Wrap data in a pkt-line.
Class Protocol Class for interacting with a remote git process over the wire.
Class ReceivableProtocol Variant of Protocol that allows reading up to a size without blocking.
Function extract_capabilities Extract a capabilities list from a string, if present.
Function extract_want_line_capabilities Extract a capabilities list from a want line, if present.
Function ack_type Extract the ack type from a capabilities list.
Class BufferedPktLineWriter Writer that wraps its data in pkt-lines and has an independent buffer.
Class PktLineParser Packet line parser that hands completed packets off to a callback.
def agent_string():
def capability_agent():
def capability_symref(from_ref, to_ref):
def extract_capability_names(capabilities):
def parse_capability(capability):
def symref_capabilities(symrefs):
def pkt_line(data):
Wrap data in a pkt-line.
ParametersdataThe data to wrap, as a str or None.
ReturnsThe data prefixed with its length in pkt-line format; if data was None, returns the flush-pkt ('0000').
def extract_capabilities(text):
Extract a capabilities list from a string, if present.
ParameterstextString to extract from
ReturnsTuple with text with capabilities removed and list of capabilities
def extract_want_line_capabilities(text):

Extract a capabilities list from a want line, if present.

Note that want lines have capabilities separated from the rest of the line by a space instead of a null byte. Thus want lines have the form:

want obj-id cap1 cap2 ...
ParameterstextWant line to extract from
ReturnsTuple with text with capabilities removed and list of capabilities
def ack_type(capabilities):
Extract the ack type from a capabilities list.
API Documentation for Dulwich, generated by pydoctor at 2018-11-17 19:05:54.