Samba ndr token performance

Tests confirming the benefit of self-resizing arrays over linked-lists for storing ndr tokens.

Direct ndr pack/unpack tests

The commits from left to right are:

  1. aec23f29 add ndr_pack perf test. baseline -- origin/master + the test
  2. 94256a6 rbtree. using red-black trees
  3. cb4ab6a resizing array memmove. resizing arrays using memmove to delete (preserves order)
  4. d8f2b45 ndr: delete exchange. using exchange to delete, destroying order
  5. 7527b11 ndr: logarithmic shifts for deletion. using over-complicated delete method
  6. 2ed8ee6 ndr: tombstoney. using tombstones
  7. db1af73 ndr: prefer expunge over realloc. expunge tombstones before reallocing
  8. af95303 realloc on the way down. sometimes realloc smaller when expunging tombstones

And the winner is... d8f2b45 ndr: delete exchange!

Search tests

These ones have different commit IDs and messages but the winner is still ndr: delete exchange!